Schedule (2010)

Friday, Oct 8, 3 – 5 pm

HONK! in the Neighborhoods: Visiting bands played for students at local Boys & Girls Clubs, and alongside local community bands in Union Square Somerville, East Boston, and Boston.

See Friday’s full schedule.

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Saturday, Oct 9, 12:30 – 9 pm

HONK! on Davis Square: 22 activist street bands, from around the country, performed outdoors for free.

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Sunday, Oct 10, Noon – 2 pm

HONK! Parade to “Reclaim the Streets for Horns, Bikes and Feet” featuring all the bands plus Bread & Puppet Theater and many local arts and community organizations, from Davis Square to Harvard Square’s Oktoberfest celebration. The parade left Davis Square at 12 noon, traveled down Elm Street, then Beech Street onto Massachusetts Ave to Harvard Square.

Sunday, Oct 10, 2 – 6 pm

HONK! bands performed at Harvard Square Oktoberfest (

Sunday, Oct 10, 8 pm-midnight

Blow-out final show at Somerville Theatre in Davis Square!

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And Beyond…

We’re happy to announce that HONK!fest didn’t end Sunday night. We invite everyone to keep it going and come out to these spectacular events, organized by friends and bands in other cities around the Northeast.

LocationMore Info
October 11, 2010
Providence, RIPRONK! Providence Honk Fest website