Nasty Woman

HONK! 2023 and the Bay Area based Nasty Woman Band (NWB) have assembled a ‘mass’ HONK protest set on the Dobbs Supreme Court decision of June 24, 2022.
Remember that Dobbs didn’t just strip a basic human right from women in the US, consigning them to lives constrained by the lack of health care, personal autonomy and agency. It’s also a harbinger of other attacks contemplated by SCOTUS: attacks of gay marriage, trans rights, access to birth control, etc.
NWB was formed in the SF Bay Area after Trump’s inauguration to play in the then-impending National Womens March in Oakland. It was a Bay Area umbrella band, with bands and individual musicians invited via social media to join and play a repertoire chosen to represent decades of women’s struggles. Familiar songs, like Respect,” and movement songs like “La Adelita,” and “Union Maid” were interspersed with more recent ones like “Hit Me with Your Best Shot,” “I Will Survive,” and “All About That Bass.” About 60 musicians attended rehearsals and many more arrived to play on the 21st. The response by Women’s March participants was positive and energetic. With tens of thousands of marchers clogging the streets of Oakland, NWB was gridlocked into an enormous crowd of appreciative singers, dancers and cell phone photographers.
The NWB’s vibe was festive, but there was no denying the seriousness of purpose. The NWB was—and remains—a musical outpouring uplifting and supporting women as human beings. NWB was created to honor her/story, reject patriarchy, and white supremacy; and to welcome allies. NWB creates unity through music. It celebrates all women—and feminists—who work for justice and peace.
NWB played the four Trump years and thought project was done. But when the Dodd decision came down, there was a large NWB presence at the flash protest in Oakland. The energy and anger were palpable, and the desire to fight back continues. Let’s fight back now!

Nasty Women Band
Photo by Paul Chinn